I knew I wouldn't be able to walk as much outside in the winter months when we moved here but I didn't think it would be this often. Not complaining just saying. Just makes me appreciate my outside walks all the more. : )
The sun came out today and it warmed up to the 30's. It felt like a heat wave.
We went out to do a little food shopping. We don't buy a lot at a time anymore so we go more often but are in and out quick.
I finished puzzle number two and have one more to go.
Every year I read the Bible through and this year I'm reading a plan that reads it through chronological. I found a website that lists a lot of different plans. HERE is the link in case you are interested.I transferred more of my notes from my old Bible into the new again today. I'll be finished soon now. I just finished up through Ephesians.
I thought I would have gotten my Bible cover from Vera Bradly in the mail by now. It was mailed Monday. Hopefully it will be here Monday.
Hope your Saturday is a happy one.
happyone : )
The first recipe for happiness:
Avoid too lengthy meditation of the past.
~ Andre Maurois
Comment replies:
Vee - No, that is actually a desk but I don't use it a desk. I mix up my baking over on the counter across the room by the sink. I laughed when you mentioned banana bread after seeing those two brown bananas and yes I will be baking some. : )
I have been reading the Old Testament... I started in Psalms and now just started Hosea. I will finish up the last books, then start again in Genesis and work my way back to Psalms so I guess you could say I am reading sideways. I have now the started reading the New Testament in my Joyce Meyer Everyday Life Bible. I don't read through as quickly as you do, but I read some every single day :-) I love your puzzles...how bright and cheerful, especially in your cold winter weather. Sorry you can't walk outside so much this winter, but the cold, snowy weather too will pass. I have been trying and trying to find some homasote today so can make my new copy cat bulletin board and now where around here seems to have it. One lumber yard I called was closed for the day (they closed at noon) so I will try them on Monday, and if they have it maybe I can make it next weekend. The people at Lowes and Home Depot didn't even know what Homasote was! Go figure! I hope you have a nice evening and a happy Sunday!
We are reading in Hosea working through the minor prophets. It's wonderful and amazing what is available online for Bible Study.
Yes, you will learn to appreciate your winter walks outside ever so much more. Hopefully, you will not miss too many outside walks.
Ohhhh...it's a desk. Not a bit surprised that there's a banana bread in your future.
The puzzle is so pretty. I bet that was fun to work.
You are having an indoctrination into the snowy weather the locals mentioned. Surely the winter will not be long! It began early, after all!
We just finished a puzzle yesterday, but not as hard as the one you did. That looks like an idealic spot, doesn't it?
I think you get more snow there than New England. I think by spring you will welcome more walks outside. Art
You know how to remain warm within even when it's below freezing outside. Love ya!
Mary Jo
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