This one a from the sidewalk a little while later.
There is a lot of different Polish Pottery around and the kind I have started collecting is on this website. The twins have booths in different antique malls in Maryland and their main warehouse is in Mt Airy, not very far from where I live. I'll be checking out that warehouse one day soon.
A meals on wheels day and once again I took the FJ because of all the road work being done on Mrs W's street. I had all my eight people on the route today and all were doing good. One of my ladies has her trailer up for sale so she will be off the route one day soon. She is moving in with her daughter and her family.
I'm reading the second book of the twilight series and I haven't been doing very much around the house. One day soon I'm going to have to spend the day cleaning, but it's not gonna happen today. :-) Off I go to read some more.
Hope the rest of your Monday is a good one. :-)
The Polish pottery is so pretty and colorful.
Interesting that they planted the trees right there. Maybe they're not going to grow that tall. ;D
Whoever built this community really has done a good job, though. I've been very impressed watching it go up and to see how thorough they've been.
Keep reading...the housework can wait!
The pottery is very beautiful. I had never heard of Polish pottery until you mentioned it.
PS -- They might have planted Bradford pears or redspire pears or another variety that doesn't get too tall? Funny, we're right across the street and all of our wires are underground.
Hi Happyone. No matter what kind of trees they planted, they're going to be too big. Someone who didn't know what they were doing ordered those trees to go there, or just didn't care. Too bad :(
I'm glad you didn't clean. Your house is so clean. I'm glad you're reading instead. I see that The #1 Ladies Detective is going to be an HBO movie this week or next. I wish I had HBO.
Last year the power company came along and butchered all the trees in the neighborhood that were two close to the lines. We now have some pretty strange (ugly) looking trees along the road.
Gosh, the is really pretty pottery for sure!!!
It's really a shame about those trees... someone was sure ignorant about landscaping.
Hope all is well...
Mountain Retreat Photos
Have you been over to Savage Mill (I'm local to you) - they've got a store there with Polish pottery.
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