I met blogging friends Cheryl, Bonnie, & Kathy for lunch today at LeeLynn's which is a block away from the town house. We met early and had to cut lunch a bit shorter than usual because Cheryl had to go to work but the time we had together was fun. Bonnie gave me these gloves without fingers because I'm always cold.
It's been raining all day long and it's supposed to continue all through the night too and by morning it could change to snow. I doubt it will though. Seems too warm. We should see some sun by the afternoon which I am looking forward to. Enough of this dreary weather. One thing nice about rain at night is listening to it lying in bed. I love to go to sleep listening to the rain on the carport roof.
We finished watching another DVD of Six Feet Under. I think there are only 5 seasons and we are watching the 5th one now so we will have to pick out another series to watch. It's getting harder and harder to find something that I like to watch. I may be reading a lot more. :-) That sounds like a good idea - I'm off to read now.
I hope you had a Happy Day and that tomorrow brings us some sunshine!!
Good to know that you do know when to quit...cold rain down the neck...yuck!
Love those gloves. You'll have to let us know if they are comfortable and warm.
We only had a dusting of snow after the rain stopped here in Tennessee. Perhaps you'll get more. Please do some reading for me -- I never seem to have the time I would like to read all I want to read!
I was surprised to see sunshine this morning, though it looks like it clouded up again.
Yesterday was fun. Way too short, though. Thank you for my gifts. I'm wearing the pumpkin bread as we speak!
Happy Day!
Loved our lunch yesterday. My husband was so excited about the pumpkin bread I may not get any. And the dish towel is much too pretty to use on dishes!!
The gloves looks very comfortable and nice.
Very neat gloves!! We got a lot of rain too.....but we needed it!
Hubby and I have been watching NCIS...have you seen that show?
Another favorite is the old Mission Impossibles from the 60s.
Hubby says that MI is an aquired taste...but some of them are really quite good.
One of my marathon teammates had a really interesting pair of running / walking gloves. the finger tips could flip off if your hands got too warm. if they got cold, just flip the finger tips on again. I had never seen anything like it before. Art
That pumpkin bread was absolutely incredible. I let Steve have a bite and then I ate the rest... toasted... with cream cheese. Ugh!!!! I'm salivating thinking about it. My scarf is so wonderful. I have to photograph it.
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