Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Saturday, December 01, 2012

A sunny day for working

Walked into town this morning and saw a few deer along the way.  I also saw a couple of hunters and told the deer to go on up to Happy Trails where they would be safe.  I'm glad I was wearing my bright orange sweat shirt.
Here's what I saw looking up walking down my driveway. 
 It was supposed to be a cloudy day but it was a bright sunny day without a cloud in the sky all day.  The temperature reached the high 50's and we had another great day of work.

We worked on siding the other side of the tractor barn and got this much done before lunch.  Just have to finish the bump out and the lower back. 
 After lunch Ken got to use his tractor again and dug 9 holes to plant some trees.  They are the trees that one of our neighbors gave to us a while back.  They have been sitting on the side of the driveway all this time.  I'm surprised they haven't died by now.  Anyway here they are all planted.
I found some time to continue the trail I'm working on.  I got this much lined with logs and rocks, and have planned it out a bit farther.  We didn't start up the chipper so I couldn't lay any wood chips on this part yet.  Maybe next time.  I'm really enjoying making my trail.  I like it because it is my very own project and I don't need help from Ken.
All too soon it was time to quit working, pack things up and head for home.  We left about 3:30.  Traffic was very light until we got about half way home and then cars seemed to just come out of nowhere and there was quite a bit of traffic.  But we are home now safe and sound.

I'm off now to take a shower, then will watch some television and have some ice cream for my snack.  I've been having chocolate marshmallow lately!! : )

Hope you had a sunny day too.
Fail not to call to mind,
in the course of the twenty-fifth of this month,
that the Divinest Heart that every walked the earth
was born on that day;
and then smile and enjoy yourselves for the rest of it;
for mirth is also of Heaven's making.
~Leigh Hunt


Nellie said...

How wonderful that you had such a productive day! I send along wishes for a relaxing and restful evening to you.

Vee said...

What a productive day! I can see you enjoying making your trails across the property. I can see you enjoying being the designer of trails. It must be a job that somebody does!

Cheryl said...

I can see the sun shining in your pictures. It looks like another happy outing to Happy Trails.
ps...I'm happier too.

bettyC said...

Your snow scene brings Me peace.
Please tell us about your shed. What William do with the upper floor, etc.

bettyC said...

Don'tujustlove auto correct. Me should be me and William should be will

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Gorgeous moon shot!

Much accomplishment!

Even with ORANGE on, I wish.... Oh you know what I wish... And it won't happen.

HOw about MORE ORANGE???

Oh and you walk early, so the dang- drunk-so-called-hunters should not be about, that early!!!!!

I know, there are plenty of good people who hunt, to provide food for their family. But the... Not-So-Neat-Ones, are the ones I worry about.... -pout-

Optimistic Existentialist said...

It makes me happy that you saved the deer :)

Happy@Home said...

I hope the deer listened to you :).
Looks like another productive weekend at Happy Trails.