Row of trees
The tree with the swing under it is ours.
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It was 57 degrees this morning when I walked and was cloudy though the sun did come out later in the day. I had a random walk around town. Saw one other person out walking his dog and we exchanged a good morning.
These are soy beans sitting on the fence post by one of the cemeteries. I've been putting a few out here each morning and when I come back the next day they are gone. I'm thinking that a bird has been eating them.
A nice quiet walk - nothing out of the ordinary.
I walked 6.4 miles.
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This morning I took my car out for a spin and went to check out a store called Cato which I've never been to before. It had some nice clothes but I didn't see anything for me today. Very few clothes in my size.After lunch we headed up to Happy Trails for a few hours. The road is all cleared now up to the cabin site.
Ken used the chipper for a while and made a big pile of chips which I will be able to put down on the new trail that I'm working on. The trail starts at the back of the cleared spot for the cabin and will eventually end up on the trail/road behind the wood shop. I clear a route first, then line it with trees logs and stone and finally put down the wood chips.
Always nice spending time up at HT.
A happy day to you.
happyone : )
You are who you are and what you are
because of what has gone into your mind.
You can change who you are and what you are
by changing what goes into your mind.
~ Zig Ziglar